Building A Complete?
Here is what you need...
Founded in San Francisco, CA in 1987, Spitfire Wheels are the #1 wheel in skateboarding. Known for high-quality urethane, a world-class team, and their dedication to supporting local skate scenes and communities globally. This season, Vans Skateboarding reunites with Spitfire to deliver a fresh collection inspired by unforgettable skate trips with the crew.
The Skate Old Skool Spitfire Wheels delivers what you need to enable maximum progression. Designed incorporating Spitfire’s logo and a black-orange palette, along with added rugged materials like added rubber components, ripstop, metal hardware. Completed with lace locks built to keep up with all the challenges a skate trip with the homies throws at you, while bringing all the performance benefits skateboarders’ demand.
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